Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Ann: Day 2

Ahhhh, not sure about y'all but I'm relieved Day 2 is coming to an end.

I felt physically great all day, never hungry (actually too full at times) but I did "visit" solid food in the grocery store. Just to make sure they were all still there :) The great thing is, I was checking out all of the healthy stuff, not wanting any of the addicting foods that trapped me in days past. So it was a little rough for me today, just a little unexpected and uncomfortable because something I want to release through this experience is a preoccupation and addiction to some foods. It will happen.

I'm craving grapefruit juice so that's on the menu tomorrow. Maybe with garlic. I'm single so bring it on!

I love reading all of your posts. How is everyone else doing out there?

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