Friday, June 27, 2008

Angela: Day 18 and still floating

Hello All and Blessings to you.

WOW - 18 days - thanks for the blogs - I've enjoyed them. I don't know about you, but this has got to be one of the toughest things I've ever had to do. I still crave food because of the passionate relationship I had with it and summer food - MY FAVE! The mere smell of food sizzling on the the grill makes my heart jump. YEAH IT'S TOUGH FOR ME. Plus, I have to cook for my daughter which makes it still more difficult. I try to find a balance by cooking more food at one time thus cooking less often. And YES OF COURSE I've veered - ever heard of chew to taste but not swallow?! Of course I did that - not to any extreme but I veered off, felt guilty and dragged my butt right back on the path. I've lost weight and my skin looks really good. Ha! I'm even growing fingernails. Everyone says I have a glow!

Ann thank you for providing the information. I've implemented some new things into my daily morning consists of.....lemon water & msm.....enema...body brush....bath with cooling peppermint castile soap....moisturize with coconut oil, jojoba oil or other oil.....brush teeth....scrape tongue....prepare juices for the day....and off to work......and yes I have another complete regimen for the evening. I TRY to get a workout and some sun during the day.

I know I'm doing wonderful things for my health and I take it day by day.


Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Kareem: Feeling Really Good

Hi to everyone
Iam feeling really good with the juice feast and feel very great to make it this far.
I have been losing weight which is good. However I do have one question. I have some loose skin around my belly area which I am not happy about. I was really big before I became vegan and have lose alot of weight. Is there away to get ride of some of that skin? I have tried to do some walking however I can only walk for about 5 mins because of my arthritic of my right leg hip and back. Other than that I am fine. Also thanks for all the emails with info that is really helpful. Peace to everyone

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Sharon: checking in and checking out

Hi all,

Sorry to have not participated in the blog until now. Had an emergency that required 100% and still requires about 80% of me. This is not the right time for me to juice. I have the habit of asking the Universe to give me big, red neon signs about things and I think no electricity for a few days and no water for a day on top of everything is pretty big and red. Ha Ha. At least Spirit gave me a huge sense of humor as well ;-)

I bless and thank Ann for beginning this journey for me. I played with many juices before the fast and started tuning my body to it, so I know I will do it when the time is right. One thing I never did get and wonder from others.....what methods are you using for juicing and how many times a day? I found with my Champion, I couldn't juice a quart of greens without it heating up. My VitaMix and milk bag worked well, but very time consuming--too much with the growth that my solopreneurship is having right now.

best to all....flow, glow, grow


Monday, June 16, 2008

Gwen: New Beginnings

I have been trying to find the right words to post for days now. I think now I have it. I am bowing out of the juice feast. I have come to the conclusion that it is not for me. First, as suspected, I can't really seem to juice "feast" as opposed to juice "fast". I am a faster, and fasting has always been a very personal journey for me, so blogging about it has not been comfortable. Also, part of my fasting journey has been to "mess up" as it were, when under too much stress, or for whatever reason, and begin again. This is what makes it such a personal journey. So, I broke my fast on the evening of the fourth day, and I thought I'd get right back on the next day, but I didn't. However, after two days of eating, I was ready to begin again with greater resolve and motivation. So days 4 and 5 were not days 4 and 5 of the juice feast for me. None of this is surprising to me, it is my usual pattern for fasting. Thus I had uncertainty about doing the juice feast, and lasting that long. I have found, in all that I have tried, that I fast best completely alone, on a very private journey. I think I'd do best hiding in the forest somewhere. So, my new beginning, this next part of my journey, I walk alone. Happy feasting everyone!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Ann: One Juicy Weekend

Hi Y'all!!!

Hope wonderful weekends were had all around.

I've had some juicy weekends before but this one was all cucumber and watermelon related. Bummer.

Ok, so my colon hydrotherapist asked me if I was ready for the emotional ride the Juice Feast would bring. I answered "Heck yeah, bring it on!" and this weekend, some of that showed up for me and I just needed some private time, for some inner reflection. I'm still kinda in that space so instead of detailing out my past days, I thought I'd write about something else.

A couple of folks who started this journey with us have decided for various reasons to break their feasts. Some might think of this feast as either being a success or failure, as being on the wagon or not, on or off, in or out - but often (at least when I have that mindset) - with the "failure", "off the wagon" and "I'm out!" thinking, comes an odd permission to just give it all up and go back to old patterns or perhaps even swing in the other direction. I've done it more times than I care to remember, all because I set high expectations for myself and was disappointed and/or embarrassed when I did not get there.

Instead, think of this as a journey, as an inward spiraling path and your optimal health at the center. You are NOT "off the wagon" but always on the path, spiraling inwards towards your goal. Ok, so might veer off to the right a bit from time (Congrats, you're human!) Just get right back on taking steps inwards and you will get there. So if you've decided not to feast 92 straight, maybe you can feast 92 over the next 125, 150 or 200 days or juice feast one or two meals out of 92. Make this feast your own. Just something to think about.

For those of you still on the feast and getting great results, feeling a-ok and know this is serving you at this time in your life, stay there! It's so easy to give yourself permission to veer when others do. Recognize if this is a pattern in your life and break that pattern here.

Where ever you are in this journey, honor and love yourself for being here.



Friday, June 13, 2008

Kareem: Day 4 Not so bad

Well so far so good. I took an enema today and wow that was very intense . The enema made me feel very light and a lot better. I have had no craving for food however like Ann said “I did "visit" solid food in the grocery store. Just to make sure they were all still there” that was funny. Going for a walk in the morning before I have some juice. Only a 15min walk. I love reading all of the post they give me hope for tomorrow. I have not seen any black mucoid or parasites yet but I know they are there. But there days are numbered :-)
Take care Peace

Hammy: getting used to this

As this my first juice feast, I am learning quite alot. I haven't started the more adventurous type of juicing, but I'm getting there. Since I am on nights this week, I am grateful that I do have my own lunch! Started to feel a little more run down and I agree with Ann, it is really hard to remember to drink water when your body already thinks it has enough fluids. Today was watermelon,cucumber and carrot.

Sandy: Week 1 off to a good start

Hi Fellow Juicers!

Finally Friday! After some ups and downs (low energy/hunger) the first 3 days I'm off to a great start. Today is Friday and I'm on Day 5 because on Monday I decided to do a trial run and ended up juicing the whole day! This is getting easier each day and its fun to create the different juices.

Each evening I help my daughter make dinner and that was extremely rough for the 1st 3 days, but now I don't even feel hunger or a desire to eat the food we are making. (Ok except for last night we made macadamia nut cheese and I really wanted to taste that!)

Have a Juicy Weekend!


Ann: Day 3

I forgot to post last night, which in a way is great. I wasn't focused on the juicing as being a big event, monopolizing my days and nights...I was just living on along.

Yesterday was better- was a Green Goddess drinking all green drinks and lots of Vitamineral Green. I'm going back to more of a balance of juices today.

I did not drink enough water. It's HARD to remember to drink the appropriate amount of water when you are swimming in fluids. The appropriate amount by the way is half of your body weight in ounces and if you exercise, one ounce for every minute you sweat. So have to work on that.

Happy Friday Everyone!


Thursday, June 12, 2008

Jodey: Day 3 of 92

Goodness, I am experiencing a lot of drainage. My throat is still sore, and I have been nauseated most of the day. I continue to netti with salt water, which helps. Today was a busy day, a lot of errands, so I hope I sleep really well tonight because I am pooped!

I've feasted on apple + grape + ginger + lemon juice this morning, and carrot + romaine + beet + celery + apple juice this afternoon and evening.


Natasha: Day 5

Hello Juicy people,

Congrats on the first leg of your feast! I am on day 5 of my annual juice fast and all is going well. I drank a pineapple/ginger/Vitamineral Green juice this morning that was out of this world. No symptoms other than feeling a bit cold. My last fast lasted 35 days and the results were phenomenal - passing black mucoid plaque on the 28th day on as well as - yes - parasites.

Fasting for me gives my body a rest, allowing for healing to take place. It's also a time to go inward.

Thanks Ann, for providing support to everyone.



Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Ann: Day 2

Ahhhh, not sure about y'all but I'm relieved Day 2 is coming to an end.

I felt physically great all day, never hungry (actually too full at times) but I did "visit" solid food in the grocery store. Just to make sure they were all still there :) The great thing is, I was checking out all of the healthy stuff, not wanting any of the addicting foods that trapped me in days past. So it was a little rough for me today, just a little unexpected and uncomfortable because something I want to release through this experience is a preoccupation and addiction to some foods. It will happen.

I'm craving grapefruit juice so that's on the menu tomorrow. Maybe with garlic. I'm single so bring it on!

I love reading all of your posts. How is everyone else doing out there?

Some Recipes

Hey Y'all,

I came across these thought I would post. I'll be back later with Day 2 deets!

:) Ann

Simple Yet Satisfying:


Cherry Good:

10 bing cherries
1 pomegranate
1 orange
1/2 lb. spinach
5 stalks celery
1 cucumber

Jodey: Day 2 of 92

Even thought I woke up this morning with a minor sore throat I was thinking "thank goodness, I made it through day 1". So, here I am nearing the end of day 2 and I feel like caca. I am tired, hungry, and a little irritable. The first 3 days are the toughest, so when day 4 comes around I will be dancing!

So far today I've feasted on grapefruit juice, a delicious combination of kale + carrot + celery + apple + beet + ginger + lemon juice, and a tasty elixir of Vitamineral Green + raw cacao powder + cinnamon + raw agave + water. I am sure I will juice some more before bedtime.


Hammy: Getting there.

I have been grateful to actually start this all now while it's I've lost counting how many degrees hot outside!! Since a good part of my days are not spent in the office, I've had to had a cooler in the back of my car, but that may not work too well. Does anyone know what particular blends of fruits and veggies freeze well? Woke up a feeling a little better and actually craving more fruits now. Happy Juicing.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Jodey: Day 1 of 92

I am very excited about Juice Feasting for 92 days. Something about being in a state of euphoria and peace at the same time is the reason why I am embarking on this wondrous journey. I want my new beginnings (I recently got married and started a new business :) to leap from this experience harmoniously into my life.

I have already consumed a yummy blend of carrots, celery, kale, cucumbers, apples, and a lemon this morning. And pink grapefruit juice this afternoon. I will concoct a juice from cucumbers, celery, and Vitamineral Green tonight.

Be well,

Angela: Day 1 winds down...

Hello kindred Juice Feasters, Angela here. Two years ago I decided to live til a healthy ripe old age. Hence I've evolved and now I'm walking the raw vegan path. I've learned so much and I'm excited about this journey. Thank you for allowing me to feast with you.

Kareem: First day and feeling good

I am so happy to hear that everyone is doing so great on the juice feast first
day. My wife and her friends think that I am going to die on this feast lol.
I shared with them that I will be getting that I need to live,vitamin etc.
I was on the feast for about 7 days about a month ago.
It was so good that last time that I had to do it again.
I was so happy to hear about it from this group. So nice to see other people
doing the same thing. I have only been a raw vegan for about 4 months now however vegan for about 6 months. I feel and look better than I have in years. My Mother saw me about one week ago and started crying. She said that I look like I did when I was young.
This Juice Feast is really what I need to detox my body from all those years of eating bad food.
Thanks to all and have a wonderful Feast.

Gwendalin: My First Day and Why

Hello everyone! I am very excited to join you on this Juice Feast! I wasn't sure about doing the juice feast until this morning. I have been wanting to do an extended juice fast for quite a while now. However, I have continued to fail to do so. Since I have kept trying, I have done a lot of short fasts. I look forward to being able to fast for longer with the extra support here. We shall see. But knowing that I have never made it to 20 days, I don't know that i will make it 92 days, though I am full of optimism for doing so. :)

I have been wanting to do an extended fast since I did my first two week fast and discovered that this was the answer I was looking for to my chronic health conditions. Even then, it had been my intention to fast for longer, but I only made it two weeks, and it was very difficult, so it took a long time before I got that far again. I have confidence now that I will at least be able to meet my personal fasting goals, and maybe more. :)

Today so far I had grapefruit juice and green juice (arugula, daikon tops and root, cucumber, carrot, and zucchini). Yes, this was very bitter. I am used to all green juices. I even love them. That's what I fasted on before. Only green juices, not even any carrots. I intend to enjoy fruit juices as well this time.

Oh, I keep talking about juice fasting instead of feasting because that was one of my reservations about the juice feasting: I don't think it possible for me to drink such large quantities of juice! Even on a juice fast, I find it difficult to drink more than one sixteen ounce glass of juice a day. To drink 32 ounces is to force myself to drink more when I am not hungry or thirsty. I am satisfied with so much less (I am a small person who doesn't need much to maintain weight and energy). Perhaps I'll drink more now though with the addition of fruit juices.

Thank you Ann, and hello everyone. I'm glad you are all here, doing this with me! :)

Hammy: Why oh Why???

Hello fellow juicers. I myself am quite the juice virgin:). First the why part is I really need to detox my body . My days at work are usually stressful so I know this will come as a welcome for it. And of course, it would not hurt me to drop a few pounds. After meeting with Ann I was hooked instantly. The rest of my reasons for the juice feast: really get all the essential vitamin I need though fruits and veggies and just feel better overall. My juice (so far) apple, or mango or carrots with apple and mango in there. I've just just put some strawberry juice in the freezer so I'm hoping for slushies later!!

Happy juicing.


Ann: Day 1 & My Why

Hey Fellow Feasters!

I woke up reallly hungry today and ready to feast! Yesterday I had a beautiful breakfast- a rainbow of raw goodness and juiced the rest of the day. This is a change for sure because in the past when I've juice fasted or gone on cleansing programs/retreats, I've had my last supper the day prior, frantically getting in as much food as I can before the painful "deprivation". Not this time. It's different this time. I've easily let go and released myself to this experience. No panic. Peace.

I'm sticking to what Angela Stokes recommends in her handbook and keeping the juices simple today- 2 or 3 ingredients with more green juices.

I spent time last night getting clear about WHY I'm really doing this so here goes:

My whys are to get back to my raw world and reconnect with my path and purpose. Since I will be more visibly vibrant, internally radiant and physically healthy, I will be able to inspire even more people to get well and start living. With ears wide open, they'll ask what I've been doing to feel, look and be so ALIVE and I'll tell them. My family, friends, coworkers, clients and strangers...I'll tell them all with new, enlightened enthusiasm and empowerment. Not just about Juice Feasting but about Raw Goodness and Living with Passion! Helping them discover freedom from pain, illness, addictions and experience a new level of joy, metal clarity, raw energy and utopia. And guess what? I'll be living mine. Ahhh!!! Completely congruent with what I know to be true, whole and pure. Allowing everyone to choose their own path but following my own...changing lives and inspire souls! My energy and theirs will gain momentum and the amount of people WE will touch is limitless. Ohhhhh yeah!

Hope every one's first day is a great one. Just take it one juice at a time and remind yourself why you chose to take this journey.

Love to all,

Sandy: Day 1 & My Why

Hello juicefeaster's! I'm so excited to be joining everyone for this fun juice feast. So, WHY do I want to do a juice feast? When Ann asked me I first thought no way, it can't be done and all the negative thoughts came up. After talking with Ann I decided to take on the challenge because it seems like another positive and progressive step to help my health and well being.

Juice Feasting is another piece to the puzzle to aid my body in reversing disease and achieving optimal health, ultimate well being and happiness. So with with feast, I'm hoping to ....
-cleanse my body and mind from toxicity and mucus,
-enhance my nutrition,
-abstain from toxic foods,
-continue my recovery from illness and disease,
-have enhanced energy, vitality and rejuvenation,
-provide clarity and affirmation of life.


Monday, June 9, 2008

Pre-Feast Question: What's your WHY?

This might sound familiar...

When you think of your next massive plan of action, there is tremendous focus on when it's all going to happen and how it's all going to go down. In an effort to set yourself up for absolute success, you'll go to great lengths: conduct any necessary research, rearrange your schedule, spend WHATEVER amount of money and time needed to see it through and perhaps, announce your perfect plan to friends and family. So how in the world could you possibly fail?

Perhaps what you, me & we've alllll done in the past is leave out the WHYs. Why are you doing this? Why is this important to you? What will this mean when it's accomplished? What will this bring into your life and the life of your loved ones? The WHY is the real fuel behind the action; it's the real juice!

So what's YOUR JUICE, YOUR WHY behind "Juice Feasting"?

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Want to Join the Juice Feast?

I want to support and honor you all doing this feast, whether you decide to juice for a day, week, month or the entire 92 days, it's an amazing accomplishment! I read that for each day you Juice Feast, your health clock turns back 120 days. Wow, what a gift to give yourself!

Contact me at if you would like to join us anytime on the feast and on this blog.

Happy Juicing!

Ann Light Turner