Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Ann: Day 1 & My Why

Hey Fellow Feasters!

I woke up reallly hungry today and ready to feast! Yesterday I had a beautiful breakfast- a rainbow of raw goodness and juiced the rest of the day. This is a change for sure because in the past when I've juice fasted or gone on cleansing programs/retreats, I've had my last supper the day prior, frantically getting in as much food as I can before the painful "deprivation". Not this time. It's different this time. I've easily let go and released myself to this experience. No panic. Peace.

I'm sticking to what Angela Stokes recommends in her handbook and keeping the juices simple today- 2 or 3 ingredients with more green juices.

I spent time last night getting clear about WHY I'm really doing this so here goes:

My whys are to get back to my raw world and reconnect with my path and purpose. Since I will be more visibly vibrant, internally radiant and physically healthy, I will be able to inspire even more people to get well and start living. With ears wide open, they'll ask what I've been doing to feel, look and be so ALIVE and I'll tell them. My family, friends, coworkers, clients and strangers...I'll tell them all with new, enlightened enthusiasm and empowerment. Not just about Juice Feasting but about Raw Goodness and Living with Passion! Helping them discover freedom from pain, illness, addictions and experience a new level of joy, metal clarity, raw energy and utopia. And guess what? I'll be living mine. Ahhh!!! Completely congruent with what I know to be true, whole and pure. Allowing everyone to choose their own path but following my own...changing lives and inspire souls! My energy and theirs will gain momentum and the amount of people WE will touch is limitless. Ohhhhh yeah!

Hope every one's first day is a great one. Just take it one juice at a time and remind yourself why you chose to take this journey.

Love to all,

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